
Life Insurance
Life Insurance is designed to pay out either a tax-free lump sum or regular payments on your death or on diagnosis of a terminal illness, ensuring that your loved ones are financially supported after you’ve gone.
There are various ways to set up the life insurance and this will depend on your individual circumstances. We can provide you with advice on what the best option will be for you, your family and your future.
Illness Insurance
Critical Illness Insurance is designed to pay a tax-free lump sum in the event that you are diagnosed with a serious illness, for instance; a heart attack, stroke or cancer.
Depending on the amount of cover you protect yourself for, this could mean you are still able to maintain your bills whilst you are unable to work and are recovering, or it could even be enough to clear your mortgage in full.
We can help you to find the right amount of cover taking into consideration your circumstances and budget.
Income Protection
Income Protection Insurance is designed to support you financially if you are unable to work due to any illness or injury. It will pay you a tax-free amount every month, usually, until you are able to return to work.
The amount you will receive each month will be dependent on your current income, but we can help guide you to the right amount of cover for you and your individual needs.
Building & Contents Insurance
Building & Contents Insurance or Home Insurance as it is sometimes referred to is a combination of 2 different polices. Buildings insurance is there to cover the actual building, permanent fixtures and fittings, such as kitchens and bathrooms whereas Contents insurance is there to cover things that you keep in your home such as furniture & electrical items.
It is likely that as part of your mortgage terms and conditions, they will want to ensure that you have buildings insurance in place.
We can help you to find the right policy for you.
As with all insurance policies, conditions and exclusions will apply